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Постер к треку Julius Watkins, Howard Johnson, Johnny Coles, Jack Jeffers, Al Gibbons, Bross Townsend, Herb Blusher, Jimmy Owens, Garnett Brown, Norman Spiller, Sharon Freeman, Courtney Winter, George Barrow, Greg Maker, Omar Clay, Vincent Chancey, Dave Moore, Kenyatte Abdur-Rahman, Warren Smith, The Composer's Workshop Ensemble - Hello Julius

Julius Watkins, Howard Johnson, Johnny Coles, Jack Jeffers, Al Gibbons, Bross Townsend, Herb Blusher, Jimmy Owens, Garnett Brown, Norman Spiller, Sharon Freeman, Courtney Winter, George Barrow, Greg Maker, Omar Clay, Vincent Chancey, Dave Moore, Kenyatte Abdur-Rahman, Warren Smith, The Composer's Workshop Ensemble - Hello Julius

2013 •  Джаз •  Claves Records