32crash, Star Industry, I:Scintilla, Helalyn Flowers, Crisk, Zombie Girl, Seize, Virtual><Embrace, Nebula-H, Stray, Mind:State, Skanda, Neikka RPM, Ayria, Mentallo and the Fixer, Unter Null, Jean-Luc De Meyer of Front 242, Len Lemeire of IMPLANT, Sebastian Komor of Icon Of Coil and Moonitor, Mika G. from This Morn' Omina, I:Scintilla, Jennifer Parkin of Epsilon Minus, Mike J. from Agonoize, Mike J. from Sero.Overdose - The Clock Is Ticking
2007 • Разная • Alfa Matrix
32crashStar IndustryI:ScintillaHelalyn FlowersCriskZombie GirlSeizeVirtual><EmbraceNebula-HStrayMind:StateSkandaNeikka RPMAyriaMentallo and the FixerUnter NullJean-Luc De Meyer of Front 242Len Lemeire of IMPLANTSebastian Komor of Icon Of Coil and MoonitorMika G. from This Morn' OminaI:ScintillaJennifer Parkin of Epsilon MinusMike J. from AgonoizeMike J. from Sero.Overdose